< ロシアもイランも人権を踏みにじるどころか、シリアに対して食糧支援、医療品、衣料などを供給してきた。そして、かつてのイラク戦争でアーミテージが日本政府に対して圧力をかけて有名になった言葉「ブーツオンダグラウンド」をもじって次のように続けている。物質的な援助と共に、ロシアは医者、看護兵、工兵を派遣した。市民の治療にあたり、ISISによって剥奪された家屋や道路を復旧した。工兵達はまた、世界遺産に登録されたパルミラと経済の中心都市であったアレッポの地雷除去を遂行した。ロシアとイラン、トルコは三ヶ国が保証するアスタナ和平会議の保全のため警務隊を送り込み、保安隊の訓練にあたらせている。ロシアはシリアに平和をもたらすために多大な努力をし貢献してきた。ロシアは2012年の早い時期からシリア政府と反政府派の交渉を図ってきた。シリア紛争がエスカレートする以前から、シリアの国土が破壊され何十万というシリア人が殺戮され、ヨーロッパを苦しめることになる無数の難民が避難する前から、ロシアは和平交渉を何度も取り持ってきたのである。シリアには約1割のクリスチャンがいたが、シリア紛争が勃発すると聖戦を唱えるテロリスト勢力はクリスチャンを糾弾し抑圧した。しかしロシアは他の少数派同様クリスチャンの保護に乗り出した。2015年後半、ロシアのシリアにおけるテロリスト撃退が始まって後、アサド大統領はプーチン大統領を唯一、キリスト教徒の擁護者として信頼できると言った。2015年、ロシアが反テロリスト作戦を開始する以前は、米国有志連合による対テロ戦闘の間、Daesh(ISIS)はシリアの約70%を勢力圏に治めていた。しかし、2017年11月までにロシアの軍事作戦によって5%まで縮小した。そして2018年になると、その勢力は、シリアとイラク国境沿いに僅かに点在するだけとなった。
ロシア空軍は8000個の軍装備、396個の油田施設、718ヶ所の臨時武器製造施設を破壊し、60,000人のテロリストを殺したのである。トランプ大統領はシリアのDaesh(ISIS)を壊滅させたのは米国であると言っているが、トランプ氏はシリアの国体を守りテロリスト集団を根絶したロシアの偉大な功績を過小評価しているに過ぎない。要するに、シリアに於ける人道主義を安定させたのは、シリア人とロシア人とイラン人の長年にわたる努力の結果であり、和平交渉を組み立てDaesh(ISIS)他テロリストグループを壊滅させたからである。トランプ大統領の人道的不名誉非難は実に馬鹿げたことと言わなければならない。米国の唯一の目的はシリア国内のDaesh(ISIS)と戦うこと、というのは真実だろうか? 最近起きたことを考えると、疑わしい。
President Donald Trump has accused Russia, Iran and the Syrian government of causing a "humanitarian disgrace" in Syria, and said that the US military only remains in that war-torn country "for one reason: to get ISIS and get rid of ISIS and to go home." But let’s look at the facts.
‘Humanitarian Disgrace’?
Aid, Aid, & More Aid
On Saturday, servicemen from the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for Reconciliation distributed another party of humanitarian aid, this time in the western Syrian city of Homs. Through the course of its mission in Syria, Russia has delivered humanitarian assistance on almost a daily basis, distributing close to 27 tons of aid in the last week alone. According to a 2017 report, Russia delivered nearly 1,500 tons of assistance to the country over a one year period, including food, medical supplies, clothing, and other essentials. Last June, Syria received some 81,000 tons in Russian wheat aid. Aid deliveries have only intensified as the Syrian Army and its allies made progress to free the country from the jihadists.
Iran, for its part, has also provided massive quantities of aid to Syria, sending a whopping 1,000 tons of assistance to the population of the eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor soon after the Daesh siege of the city was lifted last September, and hundreds of tons more before and since.
Boots (and Not Just Military Ones) on the Ground: Saving People & World Heritage
Alongside material aid, Russia has also sent doctors, medics and army sappers to the war-torn country to provide urgent care for the civilian population and to make their homes and streets safe following the Islamist militants' ouster.
As for the sappers, one of their most significant missions was the demining of Palmyra, the ancient city recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site of global historical significance, after it was freed from Daesh in March 2017. Another was their mission to demine the city of Aleppo, Syria’s once de-facto economic capital and most populous city, where they found shells used by the militants which had been made in the USA and Germany.
Russia, Iran and Turkey have also deployed military police forces to the 'de-escalation zones' established in the course of the Astana peace talks (where the three countries serve as guarantors) to help keep the peace, and assist in the provision of humanitarian aid, provide training for local security forces, etc.
As alluded to above, Russia sponsored a broad range of peace initiatives, organizing talks in Sochi last month, cosponsoring several rounds of negotiations in Astana beginning in 2016, and working within the Geneva format ever since its inception. In fact, Russia has called for peace talks since the start of the Syrian conflict, proposing multiple formats for negotiations between the government and the opposition going back all the way to early 2012, before the war escalated, before the formation of Daesh, and before the destruction of so much of the country, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Syrians, and the onset of the migrant crisis now afflicting Europe.
Protecting Minorities
Before the war, Christians constituted about 10 percent of Syria's population; once fighting started, this minority faced particularly ruthless prosecution at the hands of the jihadists. Moscow's efforts have helped shield Christians and other minorities from total enslavement and destruction. In late 2015, after the Russian counterterrorism operation in Syria began, Syrian President Bashar Assad described the Russian president as “the only defender of Christianity one can trust,” a sentiment which has been echoed by Pope Francis.
Stomping Out Terrorism
Last but not least, the Syrian Army and its Russian and Iranian allies have done more than any other force to destroy Daesh's presence in Syria. Before Russia's anti-terrorist operation began in 2015, Daesh had been expanding amid what the US-led coalition described as its fight against terrorism, coming to control about 70 percent of Syria's territory. By November 2017, the Russian campaign helped to deflate the caliphate's Syrian holdings to about five percent of the country's territory. By early 2018, the Islamists' influence had shrunken to a few pockets in Syria and along the Iraqi border, including the Euphrates Valley, where the terrorists have resorted to using female fighters out of desperation.
Late last year, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu summed up Russia's military operation in Syria, reporting that some 48,000 military personnel had taken part, with the Aerospace Forces destroying 8,000 pieces of enemy military equipment, 396 oil facilities, 718 makeshift weapons workshops, and over 60,000 terrorists.
President Trump may claim it was the US that destroyed Daesh in Syria all he wants, but the country's internationally recognized president has repeatedly underscored Moscow’s indispensable role in preserving the country's statehood and stomping out the jihadists.
READ MORE: Assad Tells Putin at Meeting: Syria Was Saved as a State Thanks to Russia
To sum up, in light of the longstanding Syrian, Russian and Iranian effort to stabilize the humanitarian situation in the country, to organize peace talks, and to destroy Daesh's barbarous caliphate and other terrorist groups, President Trump's claim about the countries causing a "humanitarian disgrace" is simply disingenuous, if not outright absurd.
US's One Goal in Syria is to Fight Daesh? Really?
As for Trump's other remark: that the US was in Syria for "for one reason: to get ISIS," this too is doubtful, in light of recent events.
If the US's mission in the country is really aimed at destroying the terrorists, how does that explain the Pentagon's propensity to 'accidentally' bomb the Syrian Army, often as the latter is advancing against Daesh? How does it account for Daesh getting its hands on sophisticated Western weaponry? What about the numerous reports of US-led coalition forces extracting Daesh commanders after they have been encircled by Syrian forces?