沖縄よ! 群星むりぶし日記



The Russian, Iranian and Turkish leaders held a major meeting on Syria in Sochi, and the US wasn't invited.
It's a complicated question whether this meeting was a message to Washington that the Americans are out of the peace process in Syria. But the fact is that Russia, Turkey and Iran have proved their efficiency in solving the Syrian crisis. The three countries have prevented Syria from falling into the abyss of a "chronic civil war" like the one currently tearing Libya apart, professor Paulo Botta of the Complutense University of Madrid told Sputnik. At the same time, the presence of American troops in this Middle Eastern country remains questionable, as Damascus has repeatedly called the US presence in Syria an "invasion" and "aggression."
下手な訳文で申し訳ないが、日本のマスコミは、なかなかこういった報道はしない。日本のマスコミが流す情報は、欧米諸国、特に米国から発信される情報に基づくものが主流になっているからだ。米国は議会制民主主義国家だから、米国の政策は基本的に正しいとする単純なお馬鹿さんが多い中、イラク戦争侵略戦争であり、必ず失敗すると断言した日本の言論人は、西部邁小林よしのり両氏を始めとして極少数にすぎなかった。しかし、というか当然というべきか、少数派の予想が見事当たったのである。実は、大統領になる前のトランプ氏も、『CRIPPLED AMERICA』(身動きとれないアメリカ)という自著のなかで、イラク戦争が起きたら大惨事をもたらすだけだ、と警鐘を鳴らしイラク戦争に反対していたのである。
世界の理不尽な国家間の力関係で、国際法廷を開くことができず、彼らイラク戦争犯罪人を裁くことはできなかったとしても、我々は日本人としてまた人間として、イラク戦争の真相を絶対に忘れてはならない。イラク戦争は10年以上続き、イラクの国土は破壊され収拾がつかない状態に陥った。ある時からすでに米国は当事者能力を失っていたのである。かつてのベトナム戦争のように。そして荒廃した国土の中から鬼っ子 ISISが産まれた。産みの親はアメリカ合衆国だ。暴力には暴力を。ISISは産みの親米国を上回る残虐性でイラク全土に浸透していった。その勢いは凄まじく、イラクからシリアまで拡大していったのである。しかし、米国が統治能力・解決能力をなくしたことで、危機感を募らせ決然と行動を開始した人物がいた。プーチン大統領だ。泥沼化する中東からシリア政府を救うべく、軍隊を派遣してISISと反シリア政府軍を、情け容赦なく徹底的に攻撃した。2年が経過してその効果が顕著に現れてきた。ISISは壊滅に近い状態になり、シリア政府とシリア国は救われた。そして今、中東は少しづつ安定化しつつある。米国がもたらした中東の闇に、ようやく光が射し始めたのだ。その最大の功労者はプーチン大統領である。一時は第三次世界大戦勃発の可能性すら報じられたくらい、ISISの勢力は凄まじかったが、プーチン大統領の率先した指導力のもと、イラン、トルコが協働することでISISをシリア、イラクから駆逐することに成功したのである。プーチン大統領が果たした役割は、いくら賞賛してもし足りないくらいだ。Sputnikの記事には興味深い風刺漫画も載っている。船体にシリアの文字が見える大きな帆船が海上を悠々と進んでいる。風を受けて大きく膨らんだ四つの帆はシリア、イラン、ロシア、トルコの国旗である。その帆船を後方から追いかける小さなゴムボートに乗ったアメリカ人が、帆船に向かって次のように叫んでいる。"WAIT FOR US ! WE CAN HELP !"「待ってくれ!手伝おうじゃないか!」
The recent Sochi summit has sealed Russia, Turkey and Iran's role in solving the Syrian crisis and the Astana format's efficiency. Speaking to Sputnik, Professor Paulo Botta of the Complutense University of Madrid endorsed the triumvirate's efforts to restore peace in the region and stressed the necessity of a global fight against terrorism.
Russia, Turkey and Iran have prevented Syria from falling into the abyss of a "chronic civil war" like the one which is currently tearing Libya apart, Professor Paulo Botta of the Complutense University of Madrid, told Sputnik Mundo.
The academic cited the words of Vladimir Putin about the efforts of Moscow, Ankara and Tehran to avert the disintegration of Syria and the humanitarian catastrophe in the country.
Botta recalled that during the six year-long conflict Western countries demanded that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad "must go," emphasizing this as a prerequisite for the resolution of the crisis.
Russia's involvement in Syria's affairs helped Damascus maintain its positions. Currently, no one casts  into doubt that the Syrian president will stay in power while the peace process is going on, the academic remarked.
He stressed the leading role of the three guarantors in implementing the Syrian ceasefire, signed during the talks in Astana — a platform designed to ensure peace between the warring parties.
Echoing Botta, Gevorg Mirzayan, an associate professor at the Department of Political Science at the Finance University of the Russian Government, also highlighted the role of the Russia-Turkey-Iran triumvirate, dubbing it "the axis of order" in his recent op-ed for RIA Novosti.
The Russian academic explained that instead of fighting for dominance in the Middle East Moscow called upon all the parties involved "to team up in order to jointly maintain stability and sustainable development in the region." Thus, according to Mirzayan, Moscow is exercising a multi-polar approach to global affairs.
He noted that Russia has repeatedly offered the US to combine efforts to solve the Syrian issue. However, Moscow's plea fell on deaf ears in Washington.
"Now the situation has changed. While the Americans' are losing ground in the Middle East, an urgent demand for order has emerged," the RIA Novosti contributor noted, adding that in response Moscow, Tehran and Ankara have stepped in to save the day.
On Wednesday the leaders of Russia, Turkey and Iran met in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi to discuss the progress that has been made in the Syrian settlement process, and the steps necessary to ensure the complete and long-term normalization of the political and security situation in the country.
A joint statement released by the three heads of state after their talks declared that the countries' collaborative efforts in the 11 months since the establishment of the ceasefire regime in late December 2016 have helped to secure a "breakthrough" in "bringing closer the elimination of [Daesh], the Nusra Front and all other terrorist organizations as designated by the United Nations Security Council."
The leaders also emphasized the utmost importance of the Astana format, "which has already proved its effectiveness and contributed to significantly reducing the level of violence in Syria and creating the necessary conditions for the return of refugees and internally displaced persons."
According to Mirzayan, "this triumvirate of the victors over Daesh and al-Nusra Front will determine the future of the post-war Syria." The Russian academic noted that the recent Sochi summit has already been dubbed "the Mideast Yalta," after the Yalta Conference of 1945 on Europe's postwar reorganization.
For his part, Botta warns that the Daesh terrorist organization is far from being defeated. He agreed that the Russo-Syrian coalition has managed to expel extremists from the region, however, these fighters still pose a serious threat to the global security, the Spanish professor noted.
Drawing historic parallels between Syria and Afghanistan of the 1980s, Botta recalled that many of Afghan mujahedeen and foreign fighters later took part in the Algerian Civil War (1991-2002) and uprisings in Yemen and Jordan.
"We need to strengthen cooperation, because without the exchange of information, unfortunately, these militants will find themselves in ideal conditions for committing terrorist attacks in all parts of the world," Botta concluded.